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Meet our New Nation Party founders and candidates

We have more people coming on board all the time and will update our candidate list as we go. New Nation will stand candidates in each of the country’s electorates in the 2026 General Election.

Michael Jacomb


Michael Jacomb is a Wellington businessman and entrepreneur in the electricity industry. He and his wife, Trena, have two children, five grandchildren and spend their time between their home…

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Guy Slocum


Guy was born in London in the shadow of the Wembley sports stadium. He developed an early passion for flying which he indulged by joining the Air Cadets and obtaining his glider pilot’s license…

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Dolf van Amersfoort


Dolf van Amersfoort was born in South Africa of Dutch parents. He moved to Rhodesia (now Zambia) where his father participated in the building of Kariba Dam, the largest man-made lake in Africa…

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Greg Robinson

Co-ordinator, Taranaki

Greg was born and raised in Taranaki on a dairy farm. He is a qualified builder with 10 year’s experience in the trade, during this time he spent his final 2 years working as a project manager in the residential homes sector.

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